Contacting Us
How to contact us
The best time to contact us by phone is between 10am and 3pm on the 1st or 3rd Saturday of every month. However, if you wish to contact us outside of these times, please send an email, or leave a clear, detailed message on our answer phone and our coordinator will return your call within 3 working days.
Tel: 07722 036873
Referrals and Guidelines
Referrals can be made through your Solicitor, CAFCASS or social worker. We also accept self referrals.
A referral form and guidelines can also be downloaded from below or requested from the coordinator.
Please ensure you read the guidelines before completing the form.
A referral form MUST be completed before any contact sessions can be arranged.
The Aylesbury Vale Child Contact Centre is located in the centre of Aylesbury, at the Aylesbury Methodist Church, Buckingham Street. Our full contact details are as follows:
Aylesbury Vale Child Contact Centre
c/o Aylesbury Methodist Church
Buckingham Street, Aylesbury
Buckinghamshire, HP20 2NQ
Please note there is no parking at the Church. The nearest car park is Coopers Yard, with other town centre car parks nearby.